Ambassador Anita Tart-Paschal

Ambassador Anita Tart-Paschal is a Wife, Mother, Nana, Evangelist, and Travelpreneur, who was Born & raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and educated in the Philadelphia school system with an extensive legal career spanning over three decades in the Tri-State area now retired.

Her spiritual journey began at twelve through vacation Bible school and the love of Christ and His word grew in her heart later culminating in her ordination as Evangelist on October 14, 2018, in Warren, Michigan, under the guidance of Bishop Doris Ford of Cathedral of Faith International Fellowship of Churches and Ministries and Overseer Marvin T. McFarland of Christ International Community Church both of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

By the leading of the Holy Spirit, and much prayer Anita heard the call of the Lord, and her response was “Here am I Lord, send me.”

As the founder and visionary leader of Ambassadors for Christ Global Ministries, I have spearheaded Triumphant Thursday's, delivering words of exhortation and prayer through our conference line for six years, changing lives globally.  I will continue this journey of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ globally.